2013-07-11 22:00:28
第二章 算法
问题一 查找不存在的元素
1 #include2 #include 3 #include 4 using namespace std; 5 6 const int MAX_NUMBER = 10000010; 7 const int NUMBER_OF_DATA = 10000000; 8 9 //产生在区间[lowerBound,upperBound]内的一个随机数 10 int RandomInt(const int lowerBound,const int upperBound) 11 { 12 return ( lowerBound + ( RAND_MAX * rand() + rand() ) % (upperBound - lowerBound + 1) ); 13 } 14 15 //产生在[0,maxOfRandomInt]范围内的numberOfRandomInt个随机数 16 //结果存入数组randomInt中 17 void RandomIntGen(const int numberOfRandomInt,const int maxOfRandomInt,int randomInt[]) 18 { 19 int i; 20 int tmp; 21 int randomTmp; 22 int *sequenceInt = new int[maxOfRandomInt]; 23 24 srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); 25 26 for (i = 0; i < maxOfRandomInt; i++) 27 { 28 sequenceInt[i] = i; 29 } 30 31 for (i = 0; i < numberOfRandomInt; i++) 32 { 33 randomTmp = RandomInt(i, maxOfRandomInt - 1); 34 tmp = sequenceInt[randomTmp]; 35 sequenceInt[randomTmp] = sequenceInt[i]; 36 sequenceInt[i] = tmp; 37 randomInt[i] = sequenceInt[i]; //随机数保存在数组中 38 } 39 40 delete [] sequenceInt; //释放内存 41 } 42 43 //注意写初始化函数 44 void Init(int BitmapArray[],const int n) 45 { 46 for (int i = 0;i < n;++i) 47 { 48 BitmapArray[i] = 0; 49 } 50 } 51 52 //用int型模拟位图,实现的位图排序 53 const int BitsPerInt = 32; 54 const int Div32Shift = 5; 55 const int Mod32Mask = 0x1F; 56 57 //BitmapSort_2:用位运算实现置位、清零、判断是否为1 58 void SetBit(int BitmapArray[],const int BitToSet) 59 { 60 //BitmapArray[ (BitToSet >> Div32Shift) ] | = ( 1 << (BitToSet & Mod32Mask) ); //error C2059: syntax error : '=' 61 BitmapArray[ (BitToSet >> Div32Shift) ] = BitmapArray[ (BitToSet >> Div32Shift) ] 62 | ( 1 << (BitToSet & Mod32Mask) ); 63 } 64 65 void ClearBit(int BitmapArray[],const int BitToClear) 66 { 67 BitmapArray[ (BitToClear >> Div32Shift) ] = BitmapArray[ (BitToClear >> Div32Shift) ] 68 & ~( 1 << (BitToClear & Mod32Mask) ); 69 } 70 71 bool IsBitSet(const int BitmapArray[],const int BitToCheck) //定义为const类型,在不小心改变时,会给出报错信息 72 { 73 return ( BitmapArray[ (BitToCheck >> Div32Shift) ] & ( 1 << (BitToCheck & Mod32Mask) ) ); 74 } 75 76 void BitmapSort_2(int ArrayUnsorted[],const int n) 77 { 78 int i ; 79 int cnt = 0; 80 int *BitmapArray = new int[1 + MAX_NUMBER/BitsPerInt]; //当MaxRandomInt较大时,必须从对上分配内存,否则内存不够用,导致出错 81 82 if (NULL == BitmapArray) 83 { 84 cout<<"memory allocation error !"< < n;++i) 91 { 92 SetBit(BitmapArray,ArrayUnsorted[i]); 93 } 94 95 for (i = 0;i < MAX_NUMBER;++i) //不是for (i = 0;i < n;++i) 96 { 97 if ( IsBitSet(BitmapArray,i) ) 98 { 99 ArrayUnsorted[cnt++] = i;100 }101 }102 103 delete [] BitmapArray;104 }105 106 //用位图的方法查找丢失元素107 //满足以下假设:108 //1)数组中没有重复元素109 //2)数组中必有缺失元素110 int FindLostByBitmap(int arrayToFind[],int numberOfData)111 {112 int i ;113 int cnt = 0;114 int *BitmapArray = new int[1 + MAX_NUMBER/BitsPerInt]; //当MaxRandomInt较大时,必须从对上分配内存,否则内存不够用,导致出错115 116 if (NULL == BitmapArray)117 {118 cout<<"memory allocation error !"< < numberOfData;++i)125 {126 SetBit(BitmapArray,arrayToFind[i]);127 }128 129 for (i = 0;i < MAX_NUMBER;++i) //不是for (i = 0;i < n;++i)130 {131 if ( !IsBitSet(BitmapArray,i) )132 {133 return i;134 }135 }136 137 if (MAX_NUMBER == i)138 {139 cout<<"no element is lost!"< mid - begin)167 {168 end = mid;169 }170 else171 {172 begin = mid;173 }174 }175 176 if (arrayToFind[end] - arrayToFind[begin] > 1)177 { 178 return (arrayToFind[begin] + 1);179 }180 else 181 {182 cout<<"no element is lost!"< < n;i++) 204 {205 fprintf(fout,"%d\n",array[i]);206 }207 208 fclose(fout); 209 }210 211 //将数组写入txt中,便于检查结果的正确性212 void WriteArrayToSortedTxt(int array[],int n)213 {214 FILE *fout;215 int i;216 217 fout = fopen("array_sorted.txt","wt");218 219 if(fout == NULL)220 {221 printf("forward_i.txt open error!\n");222 exit(0);223 }224 225 printf("file open success!\n");226 227 for (i = 0;i < n;i++) 228 {229 fprintf(fout,"%d\n",array[i]);230 }231 232 fclose(fout); 233 }234 235 //显示数组元素236 void DisplayArray(int ArrayUnsorted[],int n)237 {238 for (int i = 0;i < n;++i)239 {240 cout< <<"\t";241 }242 cout<
the max number of integer is : 10000010the number of integer is : 10000000file open success!Test FindLostByBitmap...the lost number is : 7952the time cost of FindLostByBitmap is : 1486000msTest BitmapSort_2...the time cost of BitmapSort_2 is : 2078000msfile open success!Test FindLostByBinarySearch...the lost number is : 7952the time cost of FindLostByBinarySearch is : 8000ms请按任意键继续. . .
上面的结果只是程序运行一次的结果,如果要得到比较靠靠的分析,应该多次测试,而且测试的结果可能与数据集有关,若要固定数据集,将随机数产生函数RandomIntGen中的//srand((unsigned) time(NULL));注释掉即可。
问题二 数组的旋转
问题三 变位词的查找
- 数据结构的选择,存储单词采用 vector <string> ,因为每个单词是string类型 ;
- 存储[标识,单词],采用map < string ,vector <string> >,因为一个标识sign对应多个string类型的单词;
- 标识通过对单词的排序得到,此处采用C++的排序函数sort,sort( sign.begin(),sign.end() );
1 //显示vector类型对象的元素 2 void DisplayVector(vector stringVector) 3 { 4 vector ::iterator iterVector; 5 6 for (iterVector = stringVector.begin();iterVector != stringVector.end();++iterVector) 7 { 8 cout<<*iterVector<<"\t"; 9 }10 cout< > signWordMap; 17 vector dictVector;18 string word;19 string sign;20 21 cout<<"please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z: "< >word) //输入字典中单词23 {24 dictVector.push_back(word);25 cout<<"please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z: "< :: iterator iterVector;31 32 for (iterVector = dictVector.begin();iterVector != dictVector.end();++iterVector) //制作标识、单词对33 {34 sign = *iterVector;35 sort( sign.begin(),sign.end() );36 signWordMap[sign].push_back(*iterVector);37 }38 39 map < string ,vector > :: iterator iterMap;40 41 for (iterMap = signWordMap.begin();iterMap != signWordMap.end();++iterMap)//输出变位词42 {43 cout<<"the anagrams signed by "<<(*iterMap).first<<" is :"<
please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:tops stop snap pans top ant atplease enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:please enter a word ,end with ctrl+z:^Zthe dictionary is :tops stop snap pans top ant atthe anagrams signed by anps is :snap pansthe anagrams signed by ant is :antthe anagrams signed by at is :atthe anagrams signed by opst is :tops stopthe anagrams signed by opt is :top请按任意键继续. . .